Programme overview

The medical oncologist point of view

Time: 09:42 - 09:54 CET

The radiation oncologist point of view

Time: 09:32 - 09:42 CET

Innnovation in locally advanced NPC: where do we go ?

Time: 10:50 - 11:15 CET

Clinical cases proposed by young oncologists

Time: 11:20 - 12:50 CET

Welcome & Registration open

Time: 08:00 - 08:30 CET

Sponsored symposia

Time: 07:30 - 08:00 CET

Sponsored symposia

Time: 07:30 - 08:00 CET

Welcome & Registration open

Time: 08:00 - 08:30 CET


Time: 13:00 - 14:00 CET

Poster session review and award

Time: 11:50 - 13:00 CET

Break and poster viewing

Time: 10:20 - 10:50 CET

EBV ctDNA to guide therapy in nasopharyngeal cancer : ready for prime time

Time: 11:15 - 11:40 CET

Resistance mechanisms to immunotherapy

Time: 09:55 - 10:20 CET

The surgeon point of view

Time: 09:20 - 09:32 CET

Neoadjuvant and adjuvant immunotherapy for resectable head and neck cancer

Time: 08:55 - 09:20 CET

Promising advances in immunotherapy

Time: 08:30 - 08:55 CET

Break and poster viewing

Time: 16:10 - 16:45 CET


Time: 12:50 - 14:00 CET

Break and poster viewing

Time: 09:55 - 10:30 CET

“News from EHNS Giovanni Succo”

Time: 18:00 - 18:25 CET

News from the EORTC:

Time: 17:45 - 18:00 CET

Proffered papers – session 2

Time: 16:45 - 17:45 CET

Management of mucositis and radiation-induced dermatitis

Time: 15:15 - 15:40 CET

Nutrition during treatment and management of treatment-induced cachexia

Time: 14:50 - 15:15 CET

Pre-habilitation before treatment for head and neck cancer

Time: 14:00 - 14:25 CET

How to manage stage 1 p16-positive oropharyngeal cancer ?

Time: 10:55 - 11:20 CET

Improving Quality of Care in Surgical Oncology: Are we catching up?

Time: 10:30 - 10:55 CET

DaVinci SP: Technical Tips & Data-driven De-Escalation Is the robotics company (or distributor) supporting THNO?

Time: 09:20 - 09:45 CET

New radiotherapy modalities: spatially-modulated RT

Time: 08:55 - 09:20 CET

Randomized clinical trial comparing protons and photons

Time: 08:30 - 08:55 CET

Clinical cases

Time: 17:50 - 18:15 CET

Proffered papers – session 1

Time: 16:50 - 17:05 CET

Tumour dormancy and metastasis (adenoid cystic and later HPV+ relapse being fine examples)

Time: 16:25 - 16:50 CET

Molecular biology of radiation response and resistance

Time: 16:00 - 16:20 CET

The role of tumor microenvironment in head and neck cancer

Time: 14:40 - 15:05 CET

ctDNA for HPV-positive disease : ready for prime time ?

Time: 14:15 - 14:40 CET

ctDNA for HPV-negative disease : ready for prime time ?

Time: 13:50 - 14:15 CET

Pros and Cons of AI in health care (patient implication)

Time: 13:25 - 13:50 CET

AI for clinical decision

Time: 13:00 - 13:25 CET

Break and poster viewing

Time: 15:30 - 16:00 CET

Welcome reception

Time: 19:00 - 21:00 CET

Welcome & Registratie open

Time: 12:30 - 13:00 CET